Dampak Pengungkapan Agama Dan Bingkai Perdamaian Masyarakat Sosial


  • Eddy Danukusumah STT BMW Tangerang


Agama, Perdamaian, Masyarakat



The Indonesian people are rich in differences as reflected in the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the motto contains the hope that despite many differences, they can still coexist peacefully. However, the inability to address differences can trigger conflict and even violence, including in social society there are still conflicts and violence. Therefore, this research was conducted as a form of contribution in voicing peace through the impact of religious disclosure and the frame of peace in its application to social society. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive relationship between the impact of religious disclosure on social society. This study also aims to determine whether there is a positive relationship between the peace frame and social society. From this study, could be comprehended whether there is a positive relationship between the impact of the expression of religion and the frame of peace together in the social community. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a literature study approach. The results obtained from this study are tolerance and respect for differences. The attitude of tolerance is marked by accepting the existence of people or adherents of other religions who are different, the manifestation of this tolerance is an attitude of respect for plurality, respect for opinions, an attitude of openness, helping and defending people who are oppressed or receive unfair treatment, and uphold the brotherhood of fellow human beings. . Within the framework of peace, namely respecting differences, because differences are natural, there is no need to cause conflict and violence. Implementing peace in the form of tolerance and respect for differences in the unity of Indonesia, having a democratic attitude, being objective, being able to respect others, making social communities trained to think critically, openly and creatively and able to position themselves when faced with situations that require an attitude of tolerance to be applied.


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How to Cite

Danukusumah, E. (2024). Dampak Pengungkapan Agama Dan Bingkai Perdamaian Masyarakat Sosial. Jurnal Hashem Melech, 2(1), 33–45. Retrieved from https://jurnal.sttbmwt.ac.id/index.php/jhm/article/view/eddy2024