Agenda Kehidupan Manusia Sebagai Makhluk Ciptaan Tuhan Dalam Hubungan Sosio-Keagamaan


  • Lusyana Yosepha Winata STT BMW Tangerang


manusia ciptaan Allah, manusia bervisi, manusia beragama



In social life, humans have a tendency to depend on other humans, besides that humans are also considered as perfect creatures created by God. This research uses various data sources from various qualitative literature so that appropriate conclusions are formed from the formulation of the problem studied. The results of the research state that humans have a very high level because humans are perfect creatures, religious creatures and humans have a tendency to have a vision in determining the success of their life goals. The diversity that occurs is manifested through forms of religiosity from its adherents. Religiosity is manifested in various aspects of human life. Religion does not only occur when an individual carries out ritual behavior (worship), but when carrying out other activities that are encouraged by forces from above. Not only with relevance activities that appear and can be seen by the eye, but also those activities that are invisible. In conclusion, as perfect creatures, humans can socialize with the surrounding community and influence religious values ​​in social pluralism in terms of respecting each other in worship, helping each other according to their nature as social humans and having the ability to develop their vision to realize the goal of glorifying God as The Creator of the universe and everything in it.


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How to Cite

Winata, L. Y. (2024). Agenda Kehidupan Manusia Sebagai Makhluk Ciptaan Tuhan Dalam Hubungan Sosio-Keagamaan. Jurnal Hashem Melech, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from